
Sunday, October 2, 2011


Operating System is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing inputs from the input devices, sending outputs to the output methods, keeping track of files and directories on the desk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. 

For large systems, the operating system has even greater responsibilities and powers. It makes sure that different programs and users running at the same time do not interfere with each other. The operating system is also responsible for security, ensuring that unauthorized users do not access the system. 

Types of Operating Systems

• Batch processing operating systems
• General purpose operating systems
• Parallel operating systems
• Distributed operating systems
• Real-time operating systems
• Embedded operating systems

To put it in the simplest of words, an operating system is a computer program written to make the computer understandable to the User who does not know the assembly level language of the computer.

Operating systems can be classified as follows: 

Multi-user                  : Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time.
Multiprocessing         : Supports running a program on more than one CPU.
Multi tasking              : Allows more than one program to run concurrently.
Multi threading         : Allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.
Real time                    : Responds to input instantly. General-purpose operating systems, such as DOS and UNIX, are not real-time. 

Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs, called application programs, can run. The application programs must be written to run on top of a particular operating system. It determines to a great extent the applications you can run. For PCs, the most popular operating systems are DOS and Windows but others are available, such as Linux. 

As a user, you normally interact with the operating system through a set of commands. The commands are accepted and executed by a part of the operating system called the command processor or command line interpreter. Graphical user Interface allows you to enter commands by pointing and clicking at objects that appear on the screen. 


         An interface between users and hardware - an environment "architecture”
         Allows convenient usage; Hide details of devices from application programs
         Allows efficient usage; parallel activity, avoids wasted cycles
         Provides information protection
         Gives each user a set of the resources
         Acts as a control program.

All of this leads to:

         Memory management
          Resource scheduling
          Deadlock protection


Computer Architecture: The Definition

The coordination of abstract levels of a processor under changing forces, involving design, measurement and evaluation. It also includes the overall fundamental working principle of the internal logical structure of a computer system.

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

1.      The ISA is the interface between the software and hardware.
2.      It is the set of instructions that reduce the gap between high level languages and the hardware.
3.      For a processor to understand a command, it should be in binary. The ISA encodes these values.
4.      The ISA also defines the items in the computer that are available to a programmer. For example, it defines data types, registers, addressing modes, memory organization etc.
5.      Register are high speed storage for numbers that can be accessed by a processor. Data as well as instructions can be in a register.
• Operating System is the software that manages the overall operation of the computer system
• Main purpose is to support application programs
• Hide details of devices from application programs

DOS (Disk Operating System)

Originally came into use in the 1980s, with the introduction of the IBM PC, which was the first personal computer to be used by consumers and businesses. Two versions of DOS, PC DOS –released by IBM and Microsoft’s version MS-DOS were used in the 1980s.

         Huge number of applications written for DOS         
         Does not require powerful processor and RAM
         No network services & no multimedia extensions
         Designed for the Intel 80x86 processor

UNIX is a powerful OS originally developed by AT & T for minicomputers. The Linux operating is developed on a kernel based on Unix. It is known as one of the most secure platforms. Linux is the result of an open-source project, allowing users and developers to access the source code for free. Because it requires less hardware, Linux is capable of providing good performance even on a smaller hard disk. Large communities of users exist for this system, constantly contributing to the code and making improvements. The server-based concept of Linux has resulted in fewer home users. 

         Open Source (more complex)
         Require powerful processor and RAM
         Has network services
         lack of the multimedia support for the system
Mac OS X (Macintosh Operating System)

Mac OS X is Apple's trademark operating system software for their line of Macintosh computers. The system was based in part on UNIX and mimics its format with the administrative controls. Mac OS X software requires a low level of maintenance with fewer occurrences of computers worms, viruses and spyware. The Apple operating system does have some disadvantages, primarily in regard to software and hardware compatibility. Very easy to use this.

         Very graphically oriented
         Has network services & multimedia extensions
         Designed for the Motorola and PowerPC Processors
         Require powerful processor and RAM
The Microsoft Windows operating system is the most popular choice and currently has a stronghold over the market. The architecture of Windows NT, a line of operating systems produced and sold by Microsoft. Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft began making 64-bit versions of windows available-before this, these operating systems only existed in 32-bit versions. This platform has made interesting advancements from version 1.0 all the way to the new Vista system. The Windows system is highly compatible and has a much larger selection of software applications. Unlike the Linux kernel, Windows is proprietary software and tends to be more expensive than others. Windows has been heavily associated with the term “insecure” as a number of security problems have made it the most targeted system. Frequently exploited by hackers and malicious code writers, it is recommended that any Windows operating system with internet access be protected by some form of security software. Although the XP version is still popular among users, support for this system will conclude in 2009 as more emphasis will be placed on developing the Vista series & 2010 Windows released.
         Can run DOS programs
         Has network services & multimedia extensions
         Requires large amounts of memory, disk space, powerful processor
         Designed for the Intel 80X86 processors